
Villars Interior/Exterior

Villars Interior/Exterior

The opened balcony door reveals and reflects the Dents Du Midi in the Chablais Alps of Switzerland. In the foreground are several spent bottles of quite good wine. SIZE: 16" X 11.25” MEDIUM: WATERCOLOUR FINE ART PRINT $250 DIGITAL LICENSE AVAILABLE

Trees And Mountains

Trees And Mountains

This painting was started in haste and finished in London. Another Alpine scene. SIZE: 12.5 X 8.25 MEDIUM: WATERCOLOUR FINE ART PRINT $330 DIGITAL LICENSE AVAILABLE



The gazebo with its pink roses belonged to the grand old house, Mornington, which was situated at the bottom of Mornington Road in Cowes. In inclement weather it afforded shelter for watching the races from the nearby Royal Yacht Squadron. SIZE: 15.75” X 11.5” MEDIUM:...



The gulf stream creates the temperate climate on the south coast of Cornwall allowing for lush vegetation, including palm trees. SIZE: 12.75” X 8.25” MEDIUM: WATERCOLOUR FINE ART PRINT $250 DIGITAL LICENSE AVAILABLE



An appropriately watery watercolour depicts the scene from the window of a B&B in Betswy-Coed on a rainy day in North Wales, 1981. SIZE: 10” X 14” MEDIUM: WATERCOLOUR FINE ART PRINT $250 DIGITAL LICENSE AVAILABLE



This was the scene from the window at the end of the hallway on one of the floors of the hotel in Andermatt, a town in the Userne Valley in Switzerland. The Mexican one-man-band who played nights in the bar stayed in the room at the end of the hall by the window. Many...

Alp And House

Alp And House

The sun illuminated the top of a mountain near Ischgl as it simultaneously lit up a white wedge of wall on the near side of town. SIZE: 10.5”X13.75” MEDIUM: WATERCOLOUR FINE ART PRINT $250 DIGITAL LICENSE AVAILABLE

The Green Bank

The Green Bank

Boats moored in Falmouth Harbour on a cloudy day. The green bank in the background is where Roger Moore, of The Saint and James Bond fame was said to own a house. SIZE: 12” X 16” MEDIUM: WATERCOLOUR FINE ART PRINT $250 DIGITAL LICENSE AVAILABLE

Royal Yacht Squadron

Royal Yacht Squadron

True to the artist’s proclivity for red herrings, this picture of the Royal Yacht Squadron was painted from a boat designer’s basement apartment across the way, contrasting the peeling paint with the grandiosity of the yacht club. The Royal Yacht Squadron was founded...

Snowstorm In La Grave

Snowstorm In La Grave

The grandeur of the mountains and the silent snow falling in this picture of a snowy day in the mountains evokes a feeling of peace. The muted colours in the shadow of the snow on the roof echo the colour of the sky in the distance and serve as a contrast to the earth...

Sun Valley

Sun Valley

The sun shining on a red roof and an alp in early spring when the branches start to turn gold. SIZE: 13.5" X 19.5" MEDIUM: watercolour FINE ART PRINT $330 DIGITAL LICENSE AVAILABLE

Another Country

Another Country

The mist in the valley, the clarity of the mountain view and the panorama made this subject seem like not only another country but maybe another planet. SIZE: 14" X 21" MEDIUM: WATERCOLOUR ORIGINAL SOLD

Bird In Tree

Bird In Tree

After Laura completed the watercolour painting Les Dents diu Midi in Villars she painted a bird in a pine tree beyond the balcony on a misty day. SIZE: 11” X 6” MEDIUM: watercolour ORIGINAL SOLD DIGITAL LICENSE...

Cliff near Gurnard

Cliff near Gurnard

Laura and a fellow artist took a walk along the sea front from Cowes towards Gurnard one day in the Isle of Wight in search of a subject to sketch. They found this cliff. SIZE: 12” X 15” MEDIUM: watercolour Fine Art Print $250 DIGITAL LICENSE AVAILABLE

Pomme Anjou

Pomme Anjou

Towards the end of one of the annual skiing trips to the Alps this apple box containing a few lonely groceries sat out on the balcony. The misty mountain view beyond the balcony contrasts with the strong foreground colours, creating a sense of distance. SIZE: 21.5" X...



Sears Street is a lane that runs parallel to Memory Lane south of Queen Street in Leslieville. During a walk in the area while on a visit to Toronto from England Laura photographed this scene of a puddle, took it home to London and painted this picture while the...

Toronto Skyline

Toronto Skyline

Laura’s brother, Paul took the photograph upon which this painting was based and sent it to her by post to London. While she painted the watercolour in London and in Cowes, she happened to be reading the Mordecai Richler novel, Barney’s Version, which also takes place...

Jai Mahal

Jai Mahal

“Jai Mahal” is based on a photograph a friend supplied when she returned from a trip to India. The name means water palace. The palace, built in the Indo-Saracenic style dates back to 1745. It was once the residence of Hargovind Natani, a military commander and Prime...

Cowes Week from Island Dinghy Park

Cowes Week from Island Dinghy Park

Spectators watch the races during Cowes Week. The artist painted from the Island Yacht Club dinghy park which is situated in the middle of Cowes along the sea front. SIZE: 12" X 16" MEDIUM: WATERCOLOUR FINE ART PRINT $250 DIGITAL LICENSE AVAILABLE

Les Dents Du Midi

Les Dents Du Midi

“Les Dents Du Midi” was painted in Villars, Switzerland. The stay in Villars was the first of Laura’s annual trips to the mountains to paint. The journey from London began after work on a Friday when a small group of friends from London set out for Dover to board the...

Hotel Butterfly

Hotel Butterfly

The town in the painting is Zermatt, in the German speaking part of the Swiss Alps at the southern end of the Matter Valley among some of Switzerland’s highest peaks, including Monte Rosa and the Matterhorn. At the left side of the painting is the spire of the parish...

Mrs. Hoskin’s View

Mrs. Hoskin’s View

The view of Falmouth Harbour from the parlour of Mrs. Hoskin’s guest house on one of the streets that rise steeply from the harbour in the town centre. Falmouth is a navy town with the third deepest harbour in the world. It is home to the Pendennis shipyard, named...

Broken Glass

Broken Glass

While en route to Ishgl, Austria, from London in 1987, the artist was deported from France because at the time Canadians required a visa. While returning to Dover in the ferry from Calais Laura bought a bottle of Janneau Armagnac as consolation for the inconvenience...

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